Friday, August 23, 2013


            Hello everyone!  It seems this is the time of year that we band members are starting to get back into the swing of things and begin the upcoming marching band season, and I offer my best of well wishes to all of the bands working hard across the country.  Here at Michigan, we began our Band Week on Tuesday with the new members and are thrilled with how it’s going so far.
            For my blog this week, I wanted to talk a little bit about leadership.  As a rank leader candidate for marching band, I had to go to a leadership retreat last weekend where we not only went over marching fundamentals but also talked a lot about different strategies and tools to use to become better leaders.  We as sisters of Tau Beta Sigma have already proven ourselves as leaders, be it in our chapters, our bands, or across the district, and it is important to hone in on those skills to forge the path for the next batch of leaders to be welcomed to our organization.
            Being a leader takes more than simply knowing what the protocol is and abiding by it.  You must set the example and be the trend setter for those following in your footsteps, and often that means going the extra mile to ensure the success of your organization.  You can tell someone they’re doing something poorly or incorrectly, or you can show them and demonstrate how they can improve.  You can jump in with your opinion when you disagree with something, or you can listen and try to understand where this opinion is coming from.  Being a leader is about respect, dignity, and courage to stand for what you believe in and what is morally right.
            It takes more than letters on a shirt to be a sister.  We all represent Tau Beta Sigma in everything that we do.  Keep this in mind, and always remember the 8 and 5 because they’re not just words, they’re guidelines for how to live a happy and successful life.  With that in mind, I wish everyone the best of luck this semester and enjoy this wonderful time of year.

            If you have any comments or recommendations on what you’d like to see the district officers blog about, feel free to leave a comment below!



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